
As an EQUITRADE member, you have a secret weapon in your arsenal when you get ready to close a sale. In a competitive selling situation, the correct use of barter can get you the order, every time. Here are some ways to use barter to win at the closing table:

>>Do you know who your competitor’s customers are? Capturing business away from a competitor is easy when you offer to take an introductory order in barter to get the account.

 >>Are your prices higher? Your price may be higher than your competitor’s price, but a barter component will sway the buyer in your favor.

 >>You don’t have to reduce your price to get an order. First time buyers who have sticker shock can be won over by offering to accept the difference between your price and what they are willing to pay in the form of barter.

>>Do you need a competitive edge? You will be perceived as an innovative business by offering a barter solution.

Your prospective buyer will see the benefit of doing business with you when they understand the advantages of using their excess capacity and excess inventory to replace cash in their purchasing. You don’t even need to accept their items or services directly. EQUITRADE is a depository for any type of barter that you receive from a direct sale or you may refer that new customer to us to open their own account. Use EQUITRADE as your marketing partner to win at the closing table.