Merge Your Barter Exchange with Equitrade

Merge your Barter Exchange with EQUITRADE!

The barter exchange business is a tough one and it’s too tough to be going it alone. Growing an exchange to profitability can be a long and frustrating endeavor. Now you can retain the benefits of ownership without all the responsibilities by merging your exchange into the Equitrade family of trade exchanges.

Are you so busy with the operation of your barter exchange that you have lost sight of your primary focus: building your business? Could you take two weeks off for a much-needed vacation without worrying about who will run your exchange?

Equitrade International, Inc. would like to invite you to join our growing brand and discover the power of safety in numbers. We have the resources to reduce your operating costs and relieve you of the headaches of operation, allowing you to do what you do best, secure more clients.

Here are some of the benefits of our program:

Centralized collections
We collect our fees instantly at the point of sale to make sure our members don’t accumulate a cash balance that they can’t pay. This means that you can get paid electronically and securely without the need for your own merchant account.
Centralized collections
Our staff of trade brokers are experts at delivering results. This generates happy members who will always be ready to trade and means less stress for you as you are out making new sales.
Centralized collections
Eliminate your operating costs by joining our software platform. We use GETS and we believe it is the best barter software available. Our software costs are fixed, saving you as much as $500 per month.
Marketing expertise
Our sales materials and team of marketing professionals deliver a cohesive image and the tools to get the job done. We are always improving our technology and collateral materials to assist our sales team in making more sales.
Innovative approach
At Equitrade we think WAY outside of the box and we have developed niche markets and barter finance programs to make you successful in ways you have never even thought of. We are pioneers in our industry with our media and real estate programs.
Exclusive program for consumers
Equitrade is the ONLY barter organization that has a program for consumers that integrates with its business website. We have programs for business AND consumers that give you an edge in the marketplace. Check out our consumer barter website at
Travel galore
Our Travel Department has sent our members around the world, even as far as Fiji. Our travel resources can make you look like a hero to your members. Check out some of our latest travel offerings at
Corporate barter expertise
Our knowledge of corporate barter enables us to solve any size business problem and compete in large transactions.
National connections
Not only do we have thousands of members in over 35 states, but we also have over 60 reciprocal accounts with some of the top trade exchanges around the country. Our knowledge and experience in the barter industry allows our members to move different barter currencies in and out of their Equitrade account.
Capitalize on our success
It’s always easier to sign a new member when they can see thousands of places to spend their account. The question will not be “Where can I spend” but “How soon may I earn”? Launch your success to the next level by joining a growing team rather than plodding along by yourself.
More profits in our pockets
By consolidating our resources and eliminating duplicated expenses and putting your focus on generating new sales, your income will increase over your current level while giving you the freedom to enjoy life. Secure your exit strategy while sharing in the profits from a much bigger enterprise.

What’s YOUR exit strategy?

Aging is inevitable. Declining health is probable. You’ve had a wonderful life full of fun and adventure in the barter business. But now you’re tired and your bucket list calls for you. You had always planned to work until your health failed and then sell your exchange to the highest bidder. That was your retirement plan.

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To learn more, visit our website at to learn more about our approach and the unique programs that we offer. Then call Jim West to discuss the details and explore this opportunity further. Call today at 770-993-8886.

Click HERE to read a personal note from Jim West.[vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_video link=”” ratio=”16-9″][/vc_column]